Friday, 14th of April 2017, marks the birth of the Tamil New Year or “புத்தாண்டு” (Puthandu) in Tamil. The coming year will be known as “ஹேவிளம்பி” (Hevilambi) in Tamil[1]. This Friday also happens to be Vishu and Vaisakhi, which are the Malayalee and Sikh new years, respectively. It is interesting to note, that the period of mid-March through mid-April, marks the beginning of a new year across the various communities in South and Southeast Asia[2].
In our human psyche, the birth of a new year is generally associated with a new beginning. We aspire to do better than what we have done in the past year. We want to right whatever wrongs that had occurred last year. We attempt to complete tasks that were abandoned in the previous year. We seek forgiveness for the mistakes that we did in the preceding year. We strive to achieve goals that we had lost sight of over the year that had just ended. We yearn to succeed where we slipped in the former year.
With the strength of a new beginning, we march towards our goals by setting new resolutions, making fresh plans, devising bold strategies, travelling different routes, changing old methods, taking brave decisions, creating new opportunities and so much more. Obstacles may appear to block us but they can be easily removed. Hurdles may seem to hinder us but they can be simply maneuvered around. Hardship may wear us down but they can be patiently overcome.
The fact that it is a new beginning, moves us to do things that we would have thought as not possible in the previous year. Nothing seems to be impossible anymore as we brim with confidence, confidence that comes with a new beginning. A new beginning allows us to move on from chapters that are best left forgotten in the annals of history. Energy and strength that were previously unknown of, courses through us at the mere thought of a new beginning. The urge to get started, move faster and soar higher, simply because it is a new beginning, just can no longer be ignored. The things, a new beginning can do to us. It is great, is it not? Then why wait to do all this only at the beginning of every year? Imagine, what we could actually achieve and beyond, if we treat the start of every day as if it is the start of a new year.
On that note, we would like to wish a very Happy New Year, in which one is showered with all the great things in life that God has in store, to all those of you who are celebrating Puthandu, Vishu and Vaisakhi on Friday. To our Christian friends, Happy Easter (which falls on Sunday, 16th of April). To the rest of you, it is a Friday after all, so “Thank God It’s Friday” and have a great weekend ahead.
P.S.: The featured image of this post (Image of Fireworks) is sourced from Pexels.
Tq very much